Jan 31, 2014

Day 31: Donated Blood to the Red Cross

Today, I conquered a huge fear of mine and donated blood! I’ve known that my blood type was “O Negative” and that I was a universal donor for a long time, but I made every excuse in the book as to why I wouldn’t donated (I hate needles, I’ll pass out, there’s plenty of other people that will donate, etc, etc). So when I received the blood drive email at work a few weeks ago I was quick to delete it, but later had a change of heart. 

The American Red Cross declared January as National Volunteer Blood Donor Month to raise awareness of the impact winter weather can have on blood donation opportunities. Since January 1st, forced cancellations of blood drives due to winter weather created a loss of more than 20,000 donations across the country. And, only 7% of people in the US have the universal donor blood type!  My heartstrings were pulled even further when I thought of my family members that have been hospitalized; what if they had needed blood? Every day donors are stepping up to the plate to give life, so I knew it was my turn to step up!

I’m a believer in the power of creating positive attitudes through actions, so I made sure I wore a red shirt today and I sang my “Type O Song” to pump myself up… Oooo, O, O, O, Oooo, Oooo (it’s to the tune of Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes). Before I knew it, it was time to donate!  The Red Cross staff went above and beyond to provide comfort and a relaxing environment during my appointment. I’m being completely honest here, my donation experience was challenging on my body, but the Red Cross staff was extremely caring and attentive to my needs. I know this sounds cliché, but it’s so true—knowing that my donation could save lives made this experience gratifying. The pint of blood I donated today could save up to 3 lives! 
The need for blood is urgent and I encourage you to consider donating :)

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