Unfortunately, I will not have access to the internet for a little while :( I will continue making someone smile every day and will posts updates when my internet access is restored :)

Sep 21, 2014
Sep 19, 2014
Day 262: Gave a Coupon to a Fellow Shopper
We've been preparing for an upcoming trip and it seems that we've had to go shopping almost every night this week to pick up needed items! I had an extra coupon to one of my stops this evening and decided to share it with a fellow shopper :)
Sep 18, 2014
Day 261: Put Back Clothes at a Store
My husband needed a few items from a clothing store today and ended up trying on a few things. It's not always convenient to put back clothing after trying it on, but from working retail I know that the personnel work very hard keeping the dressing rooms looking nice. So, I wanted to fold and put back all of the items that we decided not to purchase :)
Sep 17, 2014
Day 260: Wished Someone a Great Day
I was so excited to find another way to brighten someone's day with sunflowers! I found these adorable grow kits that included a tiny flower pot. I left the grow kit for someone to find with a note to wish them a great day :)
Sep 16, 2014
Day 259: Bought Tennis Balls for Our Local Dog Park
I was inspired today by a fellow Instagramer, @alyssaginae, for this act of kindness. I bought some tennis balls to share with dog owners and their pups at a local dog park. There is so much joy in watching a dog have the time of his life :)
Sep 15, 2014
Day 258: Helped a Friend Make a Tough Decision
Today I had an opportunity to help a friend make a tough decision. Sometimes all you need is to talk out the pros and cons with someone to find your path. So I was happy to help someone through the decision making process with a listening hear and an open heart :)
Sep 14, 2014
Day 257: Tried a New Recipe for a Friend
A friend of ours wanted to try his hand at smoking a pork roast today and requested some taste testers to try out the recipe. Pulled pork is one of my favorite foods, so I happily accepted his invitation. The pork was super yummy by the way :)
Sep 13, 2014
Day 256: Left Cash at an Apple Orchard
Today is the only weekend of apple season when we can pick my favorite Honey Crisp apples at our local orchard. I was able to spend the morning picking some delicious apples with a friend and thought it would be fun to leave some cash for someone to find :)
Sep 12, 2014
Day 255: Left Coins at a Kiddie Ride
Today I stopped by the grocery store with a friend and decided to leave some pennies at the kiddie ride. The kiddie ride at our grocery store is only a penny a ride...such an inexpensive way to brighten a child's day :)
Sep 11, 2014
Day 254: Remembered 9/11
When I arrived home from work today, I noticed the shouts of children playing in my neighborhood. I looked out my window and thought how amazing it is that on this day we can still laugh and smile. We as a country are resilient and while we will never forget what happened that day, we can still remember and also celebrate our lives and our freedoms today. So today, my husband and I decided to remember by reading aloud the names of some of the special people we lost that day. The list of names can be downloaded at 911memorial.org. We chose to celebrate our lives and freedoms by saying aloud a few things that we are grateful for :)
Sep 10, 2014
Day 253: Nominated Someone for an Award
Today I nominated a deserving co-worker for an award (secretly!). Often times, we don't take the time to recognize those that deserve it most. This week, make it a goal to recognize someone. Whether it's a nice comment or token of appreciation, let that person know the impact of his or her dedication :)
Sep 9, 2014
Day 252: Mailed Someone a Make-A-Wish Cookie Card
Cheryl's cookies offers a great way to brighten someone's day while also supporting Make-A-Wish. You can send a buttercream frosted cut-out cookie in a gift box with a $5 Reward Card to Cheryl’s included. For each cookie card sold, approximately 20% of the purchase
price will benefit Make-A-Wish. Today, I decided to mail a cookie card to someone special. To send a cookie card, visit cheryls.com :)
Sep 8, 2014
Day 251: Started Using the "Walk for a Dog" App
I heard about the Walk for a Dog app from a fellow dog owner and friend this weekend. For every mile you walk with your dog, a donation is made to a local animal shelter or rescue of your choice! To date over 555,000 miles have been walked in all 50 states for local agencies. So today, Mack and I walked for the first time using this app to earn donations for our local adoption center. Learn more at wooftrax.com :)
Sep 7, 2014
Day 250: Helped My Sister Make a Gift
My sister was in town today and needed help putting together these adorable gifts for her future bridesmaids. The gifts included a hand written note, a timeline for important wedding dates that we made on photoshop, and the most delicious macaroons that read sayings like "I Can't Say I Do Without You!" and "Will You Be My Bridesmaid?." The gifts were complete with a coordinating bow and ready for delivery :)
Sep 6, 2014
Day 249: Helped a Friend Have a Date Night
Today I gave a friend the night off to spend with her significant other while I watched their little "cub" (as they call him). Little cub and I built towers with blocks, crashed cars, and played toss with a ball before snuggling to read a few books at bedtime. It was quite a fun evening and I'm so happy I had the opportunity to help a friend :)
Sep 5, 2014
Day 248: Ran Some Errands for a Friend
My friend had a busy schedule today and needed help running some errands. I had a couple free hours this evening and happily helped out. One errand just happened to be at my favorite store, so I was able to do a little shopping of my own :)
Sep 4, 2014
Day 247: Purchased Rewards for a Local Elementary School
A local elementary school has a program to help children develop a love of reading. Children are rewarded for their accomplishments in reading with small gifts. I wanted to help support this fabulous program and purchased a few small rewards to donate :)
Sep 3, 2014
Day 246: Left a Stationary Packet for Someone to Find
Sending messages through the mail is one of my favorite ways to brighten someone's day. I decided to share this favorite by creating a stationary packet for someone to find. The packet included cards and envelopes, stamps, a pen and a note. I love how the cards read "Hello" on the front... so friendly and inviting :)
Sep 2, 2014
Day 245: Supported a Friend's Walk to End Alzheimer's
A friend of mine is participating in a local Walk to End Alzheimer's event in honor of a family member. Today I supported her Walk by making a donation to the Alzheimer's Association. My donation is also made in memory of my great grandmother. I am hopeful for a cure and know that research, awareness, and donations can make that happen :)
Sep 1, 2014
Day 244: Wrote Encouraging Messages on CaringBridge Sites
I was so happy to hear about CaringBridge, a website that allows people to create a site to connect with family and friends, coordinate help, share updates, and post photos/video during a time of need. Friends and family can also leave messages of support on the site's Guestbook. Today, I wrote encouraging messages on CaringBridge sites. Words are powerful and can help to uplift someone going through a difficult time. Learn more at caringbridge.org :)
Day 243: Unplugged for the Day
While shopping this past week, I took notice of how plugged-in we are as a society. Cell phones, tablets, laptops, bluetooth headsets, etc, etc...there are so many distractions in today's world. We use these devices and miss connecting with those we encounter, even with our families. With that said, my family came to stay with me for the weekend and I wanted to try an experiment. I decided to spend the entire day completely unplugged and focus solely on spending time with my family. So yesterday, there was no cell phone, laptop, or iPad use for 24 hours (which is why this post is a day late too). I have to honestly say, being unplugged was refreshing! Try to unplug for an evening this week and notice how differently you see the world around you :)
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